Pastor's Pen

Bearing Fruit in Faith: The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Now into the third week of the Season of Lent, our Sunday Gospel prepares us to hear Lent's call to conversion and repentance. Today's...Read more

Magnanimity and the Soul of Jesus Christ

Magnanimity, if you take the word and break it down to its Latin parts, literally means "largeness of soul." According to Aristotle (he used...Read more

A Call to Action from Luke's Gospel

Today's Gospel reading combines two separate passages taken from the Gospel of Luke.

First we hear the opening verses where Luke establishes the...Read more

The Wedding at Cana: A Revelation of God's Abundance

This Sunday we begin the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. For many Sundays in this lectionary cycle (Cycle C), our readings will be taken...Read more

A Gospel of Connection: Advent Reflections on Mary, Elizabeth, and the Messiah

On this the last Sunday before Christmas, our Gospel reading prepares us to witness Christ's birth by showing us how Jesus was recognized as...Read more

Our Consolation and Hope

This Sunday is the second to last Sunday of our liturgical year.

As we approach the end of the Church year, our Gospel...Read more

The Road to Eternal Life: A Gospel Message

Today we continue reading the Gospel of Mark from where we left off last Sunday. Last Sunday our Gospel told how Jesus was tested...Read more

A Spiritual Lesson from a Dog Bite

Three years ago, I was visiting a friend and his wife in Flint Hill. I had taken my dog Dash with me. We were...Read more

How to Pray


1. Choose a quiet place where you can sit...Read more

Pastors Pen May 26, 2024

Dear St. Anthony’s Parish Family,

To deepen our love of Jesus, the most important thing we can do is pray every day for...Read more

From the Desk of Fr. Waldman

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