St. Anthony’s Watchers

Dear St. Anthony’s Parish Family,

Did You See what I “SAW”?

With the recent storms coming to our area, it has become apparent to me and to many of you that we're in need of a group of
conscientious souls to look after our physical plant. The first person to bring this to my attention was Wayne Tyree, who came to a Finance Council meeting almost two months ago. He and the Knights of Columbus already did great work with replacing light bulbs, refurbishing the little church food-giving stand at the main church entrance, and fixing too many other things to mention. I can’t thank you enough. (Many also helped in a big way last week when the first floor of the Old School building flooded.)

So it’s high time for St. Anthony’s to inaugurate an active committee of maintenance men, handymen, fixer-upper men, and mighty
men, to identify issues on the campus and to address them before they become a problem. I would like to name this group the
St. Anthony’s Watchers, (SAW), but of course the group is free to come up with its own name.

The task of this group is to check the various facility and equipment on our campus, and to bring more serious matters to Father’s attention.

From the parish storm, we already have two projects to be done:

1. To fix the gutters on the church that were twisted and disconnected.

2. To consider installing a sump pump in the rectory basement and/or the Old School basement.

If you have the skills, and if you are interested in helping out in this very important ministry, please contact the parish office this week, and I will give your name to Wayne Tyree. The plan is to have your first SAW meeting before the month is out.


Thank you in advance to our new Watchers,

Fr. Noah Waldman

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