Our New Parish Website

20231006 092300

Dear Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church,

If all goes well, by the time of your reading this* Pastor's Pen*, our new parish website should be up and running! There may still be a few kinks to be ironed out and sections to be augmented, but the point of this website is to have a one-stop place to go to for up-to-date parish announcements and the scheduling of liturgies and other events.

If you notice an error on the website, email me directly (my email address should be on the front page of this bulletin) and I can notify the webmaster to make the necessary changes.

There are three features I would like to especially point out:

  • First, there is a place to submit Prayer Requests. The timing for this is perfectly providential since we have just begun to form a Prayer Team. For more information on this nascent prayer group, please refer to the information in this bulletin and/or in upcoming bulletins.
  • Second, there is a direct link to my Bible Study, held every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.
  • Third, I have begun to record some of my homilies as podcasts (Fr. Noah Waldman & Friends), and probably I'll expand this to include other podcastery-type things. For example, I might start recording my Bible Studies; or I might share a guest interview or even share some thoughts about Catholic events. I don't intend to become another Joe Rogan, but I am hoping we always aim for the intersection of Truth and Entertainment.


Blessings for a Happy November, the month of the Holy Souls!


Sincerely in Christ,

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